Thursday, August 16, 2012


The vegetarian thing is working great and I actually love it. But I am tired. I know the saying it didn't go on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight but come on that would nice right. I am doing the back and forth thing right now with the pounds. A few off one or two back on. A few off one or two back on. I hate the fluctuating. I can see a slight change. The best thing for me to do is just remember it's for a greater cause. I have joined a support group ran by another mom in my mommy group. She will kick my butt into high gear. I am also going to the slim in 6! Let's get pumped up and see how this goes.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So my husband and I decided to add another approach to our ultimate goal of getting healthy. We have become vegetarians. And let me tell you I feel so much better and so does he! We are extreme animal rights activists but we both have health concerns and it truly has helped us a lot! Might I add the food has been absolutely delicious!! We haven't cut our children off meat simply because they need their protein and it easier for them to get it that way then us forcing strange foods down their throats. I feel GREAT! More energy, more alert and overall happier. The weight loss is coming along and I am feeling better.