Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales

If you have been waiting for the right time and price to get in shape NOW is the time! Here is a listing of the Beachbody Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales!Don't forget your SHAKEOLOGY the healthiest meal of the DAY!!!   You can order here---->

Thursday, November 15, 2012


With my move coming up I have once again let life get in the way of my life changes. It is frustrating and has worn me down honestly! I am packing, sorting, and trying to care for my little ones! I am getting back on track slowly after 2 weeks of totally awful eating habits and almost 2 weeks without my Shakeology. Can't wait to get it back. Dec. isn't looking good for reaching my goal but I am closer than I was on day one!! Just wanted to check in!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Time to get serious! Summer is coming in 6 short months and I have been slacking. Not because I don't care or not want to meet my goals but because I have let the stress of moving across the states get to me! I am so excited for this journey yet seriously stressing out! I am still working out but my eating has left a lot to be desired. I am going to host another challenge group the end of this month to not only help us get ready for summer but for those AWESOME New Years Eve parties coming up in 7 short weeks!!! Want to help keep me accountable? 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Why so Serious?

I know I started this blog as an outlet and to help keep me accountable to my weight loss journey but it took something a little more than that to actually get me going and keep me there! So here is the real reason I have been successful! So you may be wondering about what I’m doing and why you keep seeing all these health posts. Well Long story short I started blogging in June about my reality of trying to lose weight and the countless failed attempts. Sometime in August I started seeing similar posts like the ones I have been sharing and decided to step outside my comfort zone and ask what they were about! Annie added me to my first challenge group the beginning of September. I decided closer to the end of September I wanted to INSPIRE others and keep myself accountable to my own goals as well! I started my journey weighing 237 lbs and had a rather large middle that I wanted to get rid of. Since starting on September 3 I am down 14lbs and 27 inches! Not only am I seeing the changes in my body and clothes I’m feeling them as well. Earlier this year after giving birth to Elinor my third child I just thought that the fatigue and irritability were due to just having a baby and a Down syndrome diagnosis on top of it. Well when things were not starting to resolve on their own and the appointments had settled down I decided to see my doctor. I was having strange rashes even if something barely touched me. Napping was out of control! I was sleeping 3-5 hours at a time during the afternoon and not giving my children the attention they needed. Honestly I couldn’t because I was so exhausted I couldn’t even keep my eyes open. The doctor ended up ordering blood work and my ANA panel came back positive. I was so scared could it be Fibromyalgia or Lupus? Well my prayers were answered after going to Ohio State Rheumatology and everything came back clear! The bad news was my doctor told me plain and simple you’re fat and need to lose weight. That hurt to hear it said from someone I didn’t even know and for it to just be so blunt. I knew I was fat so why did this hurt so much. That is when I decided to take back my life health and all! So I want to share with everyone what I’m doing and help you reach your goals no matter how small or BIG they are! I will be starting another accountability group the end of November to kick off the holiday season and get our New Year’s Resolutions started early. If you want to ask questions or join send me a pm and we can do this together! Here are pictures starting Day 1,15,30,45, & 60

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Check In

WOW finally noticing the change in my jeans! Monday night we had bowling league and my jeans were starting to fall down my butt! I also get to buy those new undergarments too! Measurements were today and I have lost another 2.5 inches and 3 more pounds. I am currently down 14 pounds and 27 inches! I have never been so excited for the changes in my life. Another thing I did which made know it was real was when I decided to get up off my couch and see how many pushups I could do. I did 10 but that is a long way from where I came when I couldn't even do 1! It is still hard from time to time when I want to fall off the wagon but honestly the way I am feeling is so much more than I have ever felt and way better than crappy food. I don't eat perfect and really there is a lot of room for improvement but unlike before I don't feel starved or like I am missing out on anything. I enjoyed Halloween candy just like everyone else but in a smaller quantity.  Life is good and seeing my body change is even better!!! 

photo borrowed from tumblr

Monday, October 29, 2012

Grandma's House

 So it came time for me to spend time out of town where I knew eating healthy was going to be a challenge. Well not to my surprise there was nothing healthy to be found! I ate a little too much fun sized candy LOL! I did however make sure I pushed play! I couldn't workout with the DVD player since grandma's naughty kitty chewed through power cord but was able to use the laptop! I want to make sure my family knows I am serous about taking my health back! I won't say it was easy either as I felt bloated and tired from the bad food I was eating! I did get a small break at kids Halloween party we went too where there were plenty of fresh veggies for me to snack on!  I know I am going to have to keep my eating habits in line for the next few months with the stress of moving a family of 5 across the country though! I learned this past week my husband got a job in Vegas so we will be moving sometime in January from Ohio to Nevada! O my goodness let the craziness begin! Stress eating is a big thing for me so what better time to put it in check than now! On another note I am SO EXCITED that Shakeology is going to start doing the vegan chocolate and topical combo packs starting on Halloween!  I want to have both and now I can without having to have them one a month!!! I hope today I can inspire you to take control and remember you worth it!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Today I got my oldest to try my Shakeology! She has wanted nothing to do with it since I have had it while my 2 year old loves it. Well today I mixed it with a blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry with just water and it was fantastic! So I decided to offer a try to Bella again and well she loved it! I have learned that sometimes you just have to keep offering things to kids. Robin has made me crazy the last few weeks not wanting to eat anything and only drink milk. Well last night we had Chinese and so I offered him some of veggie low mien and he LOVED it! Even ate the broccoli! I just need to share more and while they may not like it now eventually they may as their taste buds change and I take the unhealthy foods from them and teach them to love good food! Remember to share and not force on your kids and they will be more receptive to in the long run! I shared a picture of the man with his shakeo mustache! 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today I had to remember to breathe! Sometimes things happen and a person can be easily discouraged if not remembering to breathe out the negative energy and breathe in the positive. In the last few hours I have definitely had to put those to good use! Anyway breathing is a part of your life all the time and is a good indicator of how your doing. When I'm tired I breathe really shallow and when worked up really fast. I have learned how to breathe when I workout so that I don't get tired as fast. I never really knew how important it was to breathe! That is all I have for now. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


 Today in the mail along with my Shakeology  I got my challenge t-shirt from Slim in 6! What a nice perk to make me feel good about what I'm doing! But it was just that a "perk" the real REWARD in all of this is my overall health! I know by what I am doing now I can help prevent further damage to my body and hopefully not end up with some of the health problems that run in my family. Here is my picture from today in my new gear! Best part is it too tight right now and I can work on making it TOO BIG! Enjoy everyone!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Here is something I read the other day and just wanted to share. You think water is a joke? I think not!!!

Are you drinking enough water throughout your day?? You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weight 140 pounds, you would be drinking 70 ounces of water per day. It's no longer "drink eight 8 oz glasses of water." Why would you drink so much in one day you may ask? There are several factors at work.

For one thing, being sufficiently hydrated allows your body to perform at its highest level. You have more energy, so you feel more like being active instead of sitting around lethargically watching TV. 

Another aspect is that having enough water in your body helps flush out waste products created through exercise and weight loss. When you are even slightly dehydrated you simply don't recover as quickly as when you are well-hydrated. When you don't recover as fast, you might get in 3-4 workouts a week versus 5-6 when you recover quickly. More workouts more often equal a better chance of losing weight.

The third mechanism involves your kidneys and your liver. Normally, your kidney’s job is to filter out waste products to produce urine. When you don't drink enough water (and most Americans don't), they can’t do their job right. And when your kidneys can’t do their job right, they need help, so your liver steps in and takes in some of the filtering work. The problem is that your liver’s primary role is to metabolize fat…and now it can’t do that. As a result, you don't burn stored fat, and fat that you consume in your diet is stored instead of burned.

In order to free up your liver so that it can devote itself full-time to burning fat, you need to drink water, and lots of it. This will allow your kidneys to function normally.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I have been seriously thinking what my why is to why I am working out. I have a ton of reasons so I will just list them out for you. Then I want you to think what your why is and if today you are going to decide to change your life for those reasons!

1. My Kids ( I want to be around to see them grow up and have kids)
2. My Health (family history of High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Obesity)
3. To Prove I can (Not only to myself but to my family)
4. Feel good in my clothes
5. I want a Video Ho Body (Silly I know but I am being truthful)

Well for now those are my WHY's! How about you list yours and we can work on them together!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kids Health

One thing I was concerned about when I started thing journey was how my oldest now 9 was going to take the changes to our eating habits. To my surprise she has adjusted very well. She even ate tofu and thought it was tasty. Mommy wasn't so fond of it but I'm glad she liked it. She has really enjoyed having more fruit and veggies too. I can tell as I have been eating healthier my tastes are changing too. I also have to say I LOVE my Shakeology ! I can not wait to get my new shipment this week. If you haven't had it you really need to try it! I personally love the Tropical Strawberry! Every morning I have it for breakfast because honestly that is the hardest meal for me to get into eating. So I just shake it up and am good to go! check out all the great things about Shakeology ! Now if I could only give up the white bread. O_o I love that my kids love their wheat bread but mommy just can't get over the taste. This week I be getting my Rockin Body workout and I can not wait!!! Anyways I just wanted to touch on how important it is for our kids to eat like us. We shouldn't start eating healthy while letting the rest of our family suffer. I am happy to be teaching my children to be health conscious now as to hopefully avoid them going through the struggles with weight I am currently battling and the addiction to food. Well tomorrow I have another weight check and measurements  I fear it will not be as good as my recent progress because of my lack in calories and some slacking on my part. Still going strong just been a little lackadaisical  So here we go pushing for the big weigh in coming up in December. 

Friday, October 12, 2012


 Sometimes I need to dig deep and I mean deep  when finding my motivation. It may be 9:30 in the evening before I have finally mined enough that I was able to reach my motivation for the day. I know I am motivated first thing in the morning but it seems as if there is never enough time with getting kids together and feeding all 3 of them. Especially after I have sat on the couch and gotten all comfy to feed the baby it has been at least a half hour. I know I need to do it first thing or all day I have to work myself up to it and by the end of the day I am just toooo tired to get it done and honestly dread it. However I pick myself up and do it. So my words of encouragement today are this whether you are ready first thing in the am or have your burst of energy in the evening that is when you need to do it. Just get it done. :) 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


 I know not many of us like that word very much but it can be useful information! I really had to take a long hard look at what I was taking in yesterday as I noticed my weight loss was coming pretty much to a halt.  Culprit.....NOT GETTING ENOUGH CALORIES! We all know when you want to lose weight you need to cut down on what you eat but it can not be to an extreme. With me since going vegan it has been really hard to get enough calories in. Yesterday with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks I had only gotten in 985 calories! That is not good considering I am burning anywhere from 450-550 calories a workout. Now to get my calories up without ruining my eating habits. Looks like more fruits and more veggies. Just wanted to give you heads up that just as important as it is to eat right and exercise it's still important to make sure your body is getting WHAT IT NEEDS!!! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


 So last night I went to fit club and it was just what I needed! Been seeing minimal results compared to the rest of my body on my arms and last night we did back and biceps with weights! Wow was it intense and I love every minute of it! I need weights! I have had reevaluate what I am eating again because I am clearly not getting enough calorie intake. Going vegan has been great but I know I need more I can feel it! I am just so thankful that Shakeology comes in a vegan form!!! I have also learned that sometimes you have to push pause and get back to it when the little ones let you. I love what I have been doing and LOVE that I am going to be helping others. It's NEVER too late and with the right people you can do it! I am thankful to have another person believe in me and invest time in me! I will forever be in debt to her!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Ok ladies and gents! I am officially a Beachbody Coach! And I am not just doing it for the extra money but because I truly believe their products work! I LOVE the Shakeology and the workouts I have done! I don't have my 45 day measurements in yet but after 30 days I was down 10lbs and 19.5 inches! I couldn't believe it! I could have done more but I didn't eat quite as well as I should have which is a work in progress! Everyday I get a little bit better and a little stronger. The cravings are a little less and I have found some truly awesome recipes that help the transition! So if you want to know more or join me in a weight loss challenge group starting in November message me on Facebook and go check out the products for yourself so you can reach your health and fitness goals and become a believer. NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2012


Well I just signed up to be a coach for Beachbody! I am so excited! You know what my diet and exercise routine isn't perfect but my love for changing myself and helping others is! I am so committed at this point in my life it isn't even funny! I know there are big changes in line for my family and myself! These are going to be on the inside and the outside! Mom's if you need help I am here to support you! At one point in my life I never thought I was going to be able to change the way I looked and felt about myself, but I have the help of an awesome woman and other people cheering me on! It is true what they say about being accountable and having someone being supportive of you. One thing I haven't done is let my family in on the secret. The ONLY reason my husband knows is well he lives with me. But I am going to let my results speak for themselves and then when they ask for help or what I did I am going to do it. Here is another inspirational picture for you! It is great! I do not own this either. Just want to keep you aiming for the goal!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting Easier

I have to say the longer I continue to exercise and eat healthier the easier it gets. I far from a perfect or even great eater but every day it gets easier. IF only I could conquer the white bread I would feel golden. Work in progress though. It's not an option! Another great thing I read recently is "The best ab exercise is walking away from the kitchen" How true is that! WOW! I am feeling great! My knees still kill me especially on Monday nights when we have bowling league about half way through second game I am hurting but I know it will get better with every pound lost! A picture to see below just makes me feel awesome about how much weight I have lost. Also I am posting progress photos for you to see. Remember life is great and you can do this! 

Monday, September 24, 2012


I can do this for me! I can do this for my kids! And I can do this for all the other mommies out there that think they can't and need some help seeing they can! I am now 3 weeks into my journey and feeling GREAT! There are not a lot changes to my naked eye but my husband can tell. There is a tiny change on the scale that is enough to make me feel better and keep going! When I look at my comparison photos I CAN tell! I am feeling awesome! I haven't got to but new clothes yet but I know that will come. This may sound silly to some but you know what I am looking forward to buying more than clothes? UNDERWEAR or PANTIES whatever you want to call them. When my undies are too big it will so be time for a big party! I am actually thinking of planning a clothes burning party once I get to go buy a new wardrobe! Sounds AWESOME huh! Maybe we will have a great big one for all of us who can! Just so happy!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lifted Spirits

 Wow Saturday was a day of food meltdowns and feeling sad! But come MONDAY and we had our first weigh in and measurements for my challenge group and WHOA! I was shocked and my spirits lifted in this journey! 8lbs down and 13" lost! 7.5" were off my waist! I feel GREAT!!!! Thank you everyone who is supporting me in this journey!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Breakdown

To my September Shakeoff Challenge Group

Yesterday Darrin and I went to Kroger to just grab a few things to eat and I had my first meltdown about food. Let me just go into a little bit of a back story. 3 years ago my mother had a a gastric sleeve done because she weighed at her biggest 426 pounds. I remember after the surgery her having breakdowns about losing her best friend food and I would try to comfort her and tell her it's ok and that it's whats best for her. What didn't understand was why she was so upset about it. NOW I completely understand. In all weight loss journey's I have gave up somethings but within a week or two go back to my old eating habits because it was too hard to follow a healthy meal plan or I didn't like the food. With this group I started exercising regularly and changed some eating habits but haven't been exactly diligent what I have been eating. I am so ready for a change in my life that it has actually become a time for personal reflection and change with my whole life. But yesterday walking through Kroger I was craving a soda which I am not suppose to have. I grabbed the 2-liter of Mountain Dew and then we had gone to the ice cream section and I got one of the baby Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate chip going it will be ok because it's just a little one. as we were walking to check out I turned the cart around started crying because I knew I wanted these things I also knew they aren't good for me and I should put them back. I started crying frustrated realizing I have a relationship and addiction with food. Darrin told me to just get my soda because it's what came the store to get in the first place. I just said no but it back and cried quietly to myself. He supports me in my decision to get healthy but hates to see my cry or hurt. And yesterday I was HURT I was giving up my "friends" and now I understand. All my life everything has revolved around food and it sucks! I want to feel good about how I look and how I feel. During this time there has been a lot of life and personal reflection going on not just with my weight but with everything. I know I can do this but I need help and support and love along the way. As Dave Ramsey would say I have to " Live like no else, so later you can live like no one else!"  I want to live a long healthy life not only for myself but for my kids too!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


The vegetarian thing is working great and I actually love it. But I am tired. I know the saying it didn't go on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight but come on that would nice right. I am doing the back and forth thing right now with the pounds. A few off one or two back on. A few off one or two back on. I hate the fluctuating. I can see a slight change. The best thing for me to do is just remember it's for a greater cause. I have joined a support group ran by another mom in my mommy group. She will kick my butt into high gear. I am also going to the slim in 6! Let's get pumped up and see how this goes.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So my husband and I decided to add another approach to our ultimate goal of getting healthy. We have become vegetarians. And let me tell you I feel so much better and so does he! We are extreme animal rights activists but we both have health concerns and it truly has helped us a lot! Might I add the food has been absolutely delicious!! We haven't cut our children off meat simply because they need their protein and it easier for them to get it that way then us forcing strange foods down their throats. I feel GREAT! More energy, more alert and overall happier. The weight loss is coming along and I am feeling better.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello Again

Sorry I haven't been keeping up here. Life you know it has a way of making us not keep up on things like these. Well things are going well! Not as well as I would like but I am still sticking to it and trying my best. Still haven't found the exercise I love best. I am fat and out of shape with 3 kids and feel like a failure when I try something and it obviously is being done by people in tip top shape not 100pounds overweight and out of breath! I just keep reminding myself of my cute little top I have hanging up that I promised I would get into by end of summer! Remember gals and myself we can do this and we are worth it!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Going Strong!

Well I am still working on this and it has gotten easier in some parts and not much on others. I still like to eat but I am still learning to eat better. It's towards the end of the week when things start getting tricky and I am due for a trip to the store. My family isn't minding the change as much as I thought. I am down a total of 4 pounds. Not a lot but still a good start and I am happy about it. Well that's all for now :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ouch that HURT!

So I have been M.I.A. for a few days! We had a little mini vacation that was so nice with my closest of friends and the kids! However I miss my husband terribly! But oh man did it hurt when I fell of the horse on the trail to healthy. I mean skinned up knees and 4 POUNDS heavier. Whoa I about died when I saw the scale. I knew it was bad but not that bad. There wasn't a healthy food in sight from Wednesday through Sunday when I arrived home. Thankfully I am serious and got back up brushed myself off and jumped back on my horse. Let's just say with no soda and a good mix of vegetables and portion control life has resumed normalcy and my body feels better! O and guess what the pounds are coming back off! Thank you! Well that is all folks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yay I made it through the first day without any caffeine!  During the day it wasn't so tough I just drank my water and had a glass a juice so it didn't really bother me. Then evening came when I put all my children to sleep and could just sit and relax and wait for my husband to come home. I wanted a soda so bad. I also crave the salty goodness of potato chips and good chocolate bar. I survived though and am so happy about it. He must have read my mind though because he came in the house with a soda for me but it wasn't Mountain Dew he brought me a Verners which was just as good without the caffeine! I love the fact that is so supportive of me! I couldn't have asked for a better partner! The best part is he brought me the something I could have and I didn't drink the whole thing like I normally would down a Mountain Dew. Instead I took a few sips closed the lid and continued drinking my water. I think what I needed to satisfy me was the carbonation. I just have to keep reminding myself of INO and that it will get easier and I will eventually get use the changes I am making! My clothes still fit the same but I know that will all change in time.

My #1 Support Person!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mountain Dew Funeral

The Nutrition appointment went well yesterday all except one thing. I had to have a Mountain Dew Funeral. Not only did my nutritionist tell me this but my family doctor to me to rid myself of it for my migraines. So here are my marching orders to help on my weight loss journey.

1. Drink more water. Your body can think you are hungry when you are really thirsty.
( I did not know this!)

2.. Have a Mt. Dew Funeral. 

3. Eat out of smaller plates. It LOOKS like more. 
(see Portion Control post)

4. Follow provided.
(this is awesome!)

5. Keep food records.

6. Aim for 1-2 pounds weight loss per week.
(removal of Mountain Dew should help)

7. Eat Slowly. Chew foods well.

This all seems so easy! However I know the Mountain Dew demons are around every corner. I just have to stick to it and not let life get in the way! I am finally feeling like I am doing something great not only for myself but for my family as well! And if you are working with me on this I hope it helps you as well!

Final Goodbye to my Mountain Dew last night!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I decided about a month ago I needed to seek help on my journey to a thinner and healthier me so I asked my doctor for some help. I am thankful that she didn't suggest something as drastic as a weight loss surgery or a type of weight loss pill. Instead she referred me to a nutritionist! So today I go for my nutrition appointment to help me plan better meals involving all the food groups! I am so excited! We have never eaten properly and that is probably 90% of the problem. I live for carbs, carbs, and more carbs! My families meals usually involve potatoes, meat, and some other form of carbs! Hardly ever do we have a vegetable or fruit. But over the last few days we have started having more veggies and I made jello with fruit in it to help my children want to eat. Maybe soon we can remove the jello even though t isn't terrible. So wish me luck today!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Portion Control

Another thing I am learning through all of this is portion control. I come from a family of eaters ad I don't just mean eaters I mean we live to eat. BIG plates piled high where we go back for seconds and thirds because that's how much is always prepared. I have to admit I am guilty of cooking like that in my own home. So tonight for dinner I made a taco casserole and only made an 8x8 instead of the regular 13x9. I also have decided that we are going to start eating off of our smaller plates to help us really look at what we're eating and hopefully tricking our minds that since the plate is full we should as well. Even if my family gets seconds it would be the equivalent of one regular plate. I pulled out INO tonight and only had one plate. A small but GREAT accomplishment for me! I know it's only 3 days in but I am feeling good! Life can revolve around food, but we can control how much we eat!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Self Help Books

O goodness why did I even hit that section at the library Wednesday. Well let's see here I have tried everything else and it hasn't worked. I ended up finding a book called "Secrets of a Former Fat Girl". It has been an interesting book and has given me a few good tips. One for instance is It's Not an Option!! INO is my new motto! I know that with 3 kids, a house, cat, and a husband there has to be a little leeway but I can do this because it's not an option! The other thing I have learned through this is to be open and honest with myself. One thing that I had never done was set a goal. So I have my goal at least 37 pounds in 6 months! YAY me! So yesterday I took the first step and hit the YMCA! It felt good to finally go and just do it rather than sit at home and beat myself up because well I made excuses to why I didn't go again! Now onto our second part of getting my body in line! Let's start trying to find some healthy yet DELICIOUS meals under our belt and actually eating when I should.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Beginning

 I remember weight being a problem for my family at early age. Everyone in my family was overweight especially on my grandfathers side of the family so it was the norm. My mom I remember had her own battles with weight with crash dieting and trying different workout plans and still staying overweight. As a result of this she had the surgery and is doing much better. It's so nice to see her happy about the way she looks and new self confidence that is real. As a small child I would ask her why are you so fat. Wow what a horrible thing to say. I guess I didn't know any better. I also remembering telling her I didn't want to be fat like her. Well I wasn't overweight for a long time. The weight for me started around my freshman year of high school when people would start saying wow you're getting thick. UGH kids can be so cruel! Eventually the comments stopped and I was just fat. I don't really know when I became just plain fat but I did and here I am today. I have tried the diets before and ridiculous exercising but the thing was I didn't make my family responsible before. Now instead of trying to cook them something and skimp on it myself we will all learn portion control and a well balanced meal together. It has to be a lifestyle change for all of us. Thank goodness I am doing this now when my kids will still eat almost anything so I can train them and hopefully they will not struggle them same as I have. Well of to the YMCA for me. Which by the way I could have already hit and passed my current goal considering I have had a membership for over a year now. No time like the present!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Decision

So I have struggled with my weight for a long time. About ten years now. I haven't done anything about it because when I try I fail. However I have three little  ones that need me and need me to run and chase then and be able to be here for a long time. My oldest use to tell me I'm her big fat mommy. As if that didn't sting enough I believe it and see it now. I feel gross and today I am starting my journey to get healthy. I promise you the internet world, myself, my kids, and my husband in six months I will be under 200 pounds. That means in 24 weeks on December 6, 2012 I will at least weigh 199. So I will have to lose 37 pounds to get there. It will be an average 1.5 pounds a week. What a better way to celebrate my 27th birthday than to say I am finally under 200 in over 5 years! WOW! I almost can not believe I am posting online for the world to see but I need some support or at least an outlet to vent when I feeling down. I am posting a picture of a starting point of where I am now and when the final day comes I will post the end result! So here goes world. Any goal even small is a goal! LETS ROCK THIS!!!!

So he I am all 5'2 and 236 lb. me Pant size 24 Shirt size XXL